We had an awesome time of relaxing, spending time together, hanging out with friends and enjoying being waited-on ... but really missed our kiddos.
Next year, we're planning on going to Cozumel, Mexico ... but we're taking the kiddos with us! We're still going to open it up for a group cruise - but we're allowing people to bring their children with them. We are planning to sail out of Mobile, Alabama sometime in early January - and are looking at a 5 day cruise to Cozumel and Calica. I'm working with a travel agent right now to try to get the rates, so we will know how much it will cost. We're going to go ahead and get passports for our children, that way there won't be as much money due later.
The picture above is of the sunset somewhere between Nassau and Jacksonville. Watching the beauty and splendor of something like that makes me wonder how some people can actually believe that there is no God. That this (life) just 'happened' ... and that there is no divine creation, intervention or salvation. I just don't get it.
Anyway ... we're back. Who-hoo! ;)
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